What is an interstitial ad?

An interstitial ad is a full-screen advertisement that covers the whole interface of a website or app. It appears at natural transition points, such as between different activities or during the loading time of a webpage, providing an engaging way for advertisers to reach their audience. The ad completely captivates the user's attention, given its full-screen display.

These ads serve as an effective marketing tool due to their immersive nature. The full-screen design enables marketers to provide comprehensive product or service information, often leading to a higher engagement level than standard display ads. Notably, interstitial ads work exceptionally well on mobile platforms, where a full-screen ad can deliver a compelling and immersive experience for the consumer.

Essentially, interstitial ads are characterized by their timing and placement. Their opportunistic presentation, predominantly during intervals of content, makes them naturally integrated and less interruptive. This reduces the risk of frustrating the users and hence improving the ad performance.

Why are interstitial ads important?

Interstitial ads offer tremendous value and potential for advertisers, marketers, and app developers. These full-screen ads can capture a user’s attention like no other, providing the perfect platform for showcasing promotional content.

One significant advantage of interstitial ads is their captivating nature. By taking up the entire screen, they can provide a more immersive experience for the user compared to banner or sidebar ads. This can lead to higher engagement rates and, ultimately, improved conversion rates. In addition, due to their full-screen format, there is considerable scope for creativity in designing engaging and compelling ad content.

Another key aspect of interstitial ads is their placement. Typically, these ads surface during natural breakpoints in the user’s flow, making them less intrusive than pop-up ads. This strategic display improves user experience and increases the chances of ad engagement. Hence, interstitial ads can be a crucial tool for increasing revenue and boosting brand awareness for businesses.

Types of interstitial ads

Interstitial ads come in various formats, each with its unique advantages. The three most common types are static interstitial ads, video interstitial ads, and interactive interstitial ads.

Static interstitial ads are the simplest and most straightforward type. These are static full-screen images that users can either interact with by clicking the ad or close and return to their original activity. Despite their simplicity, static interstitial ads can drive significant engagement if well-designed and strategically places.

Video interstitial ads are more dynamic and visually appealing. These ads play a short video to advertise a product, service, or app. They can be highly effective in engaging users though they must strike a balance between providing engaging content and not causing frustration by delaying the user’s desired content for too long.

Finally, the interactive interstitial ads provide an enriched user experience by encouraging user interaction. These ads generally feature games or quizzes, inducing user engagement by invoking their curiosity and desire to interact.

Examples of interstitial ads

Amazon’s app ad

One notable example of an interstitial ad is that used by Amazon on its app. The ad shows up just after the user opens the app, covering the entire screen and highlighting a specific deal or offer. The user can choose to interact with the ad or close it to continue using the app.

M&M’s game ad

Another good example is M&M’s game ad. This interactive interstitial ad presents a mini-game that users can play, simultaneously promoting M&M’s latest product. The integration of gamification results in a higher level of user engagement.

Spotify’s video ad

Spotify uses video interstitial ads to promote its premium subscription. The ad appears when a free user is using the app, showcasing the benefits of a premium subscription through a visually appealing video.

Handy tips about interstitial ads

Timing is crucial

Ensure your interstitial ad appears at a natural breakpoint to enhance user experience and not be viewed as an annoyance.

Keep it concise

Interstitial ads should convey a clear and concise message. A cluttered layout or too much information might deter user interaction.

Include a clear call to action

A compelling call-to-action can significantly increase engagement. Make sure it’s visible, straightforward, and compelling.


Interstitial ads, with their immersive nature and strategic placement, have become an integral part of digital advertising. They offer higher engagement rates, improved conversion rates, and a platform for creativity, making them an invaluable tool for businesses to increase revenue and awareness.

Whether static, video, or interactive, these ads can vary significantly, each delivering unique advantages. For maximum effectiveness, it’s crucial these ads are well-designed, strategically placed, and contain a clear call to action.

With good understanding and proper execution, leveraging interstitial ads can transform an advertising strategy, providing substantial benefits that enhance marketing prowess and business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are interstitial ads?

Interstitial ads are full-screen advertisements that surface at natural transition points, such as between different app activities or during a website’s loading time. They cover the interface of an app or a website, providing a comprehensive platform for advertisers to showcase their promotional content.

What are the benefits of interstitial ads?

Interstitial ads offer various benefits, including higher engagement rates, improved conversion rates and an opportunity for extensive creative displays. Their full-screen format holds the user’s attention, potentially leading to greater interaction with the ad. Their strategic display during natural breakpoints enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of ad engagement.

What types of interstitial ads are there?

Interstitial ads can be static, video, or interactive. Static interstitial ads are simple full-screen images, while video interstitial ads display a short video. Interactive interstitial ads aim to enrich user experience by driving interaction through games or quizzes.

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