Manual action is an integral aspect of search engine optimization, which can significantly impact your online presence. This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of manual actions, their importance, benefits, types, examples, and handy tips.

What is manual action?

A manual action refers to a human-driven adjustment Google applies when it discovers your site deviating from its webmaster guidelines. This is primarily a protective mechanism designed to safeguard the integrity of search results and provide users with the best possible experience. While algorithms can handle a significant portion of the process, manual intervention becomes necessary when automated system struggles in terms of distinguishing manipulative behavior from genuine ones.

The realm of manual actions is quite broad, and effective management demands good understanding and strategic approach. Primarily, manual actions aim towards preventing websites with low-quality content, manipulative backlinks, intrusive pop-ups, or cloaking, from unfairly dominating search engine rankings. Interestingly, manual actions aren’t necessarily negative. They certainly highlight that you’ve violated guidelines, yet they also illuminate areas of your strategy needing improvement.

Why is manual action important?

Manual action is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they are significant in maintaining the quality and relevance of the content that users see in Google’s search results. Search engines are committed to providing their users with the most accurate results, and manual actions help negate attempts to manipulate the system.

Secondly, understanding manual actions can help webmasters develop better, more compliant SEO approaches. A manual action against your site causes a decline in your visibility on search engine results pages. That signals the need for rectification, which ultimately leads to a more durable and effective SEO strategy.

Finally, manual actions can serve as a deterrent for non-compliant practices in the first place. The potential damage these actions can cause to a business’s online visibility can discourage efforts to artificially inflate search engine rankings, promoting legitimate practices.

Types of manual actions

There are several types of manual actions, each targeting a specific violation. The most common ones include ‘Pure Spam’, indicating aggressive spam techniques, ‘User-generated Spam’, highlighting spam in comments or forums, and ‘Cloaking and/or Sneaky Redirects’, which refers to displaying different content to users versus search engines.

Another common type includes Thin Content with Little or No Added Value’. This highlights sites with low-quality, pointless content designed just for SEO strategy. ‘Unnatural Links’ signify manipulative link schemes that aim to game the system. ‘Hidden Text and/or Keyword Stuffing’ point to content created with intent to deceive search ranking algorithms.

‘Spammy Free Hosts’, ‘Spammy Structured Markup’, and other manual actions focus on these webmaster guidelines’ infractions. Observing the diversity of these manual actions underscores the importance of adhering to Google’s guidelines regarding both content and SEO practices.

Examples of manual actions

Hacked site

A site can receive a manual action if it has been hacked. Here, the hacker might insert malicious code or spammy content without the site owner’s knowledge. This not only harms the site’s reputation but also its ranking on search engines. Google’s action in this case aims at preserving user security and site integrity.

An example of a manual action is when a site has unnatural inbound links. This means other sites are pointing to your site with links that aim to manipulate page rank. These could be paid links, excessive link exchanges, or other link schemes which go against Google’s guidelines.

Cloaking and sneaky redirects

Another example is cloaking and sneaky redirects. Here, the site presents different content or URL to users than what Googlebot sees. This deceptive practice constitutes a manipulation of search engine rankings and thus is subject to a manual action.

Handy tips about manual action

Understanding and addressing manual actions requires meticulous evaluation and careful strategy. Here are some handy tips:

Stay informed

Keep up-to-date with the latest changes in Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. It’s crucial to stay in the loop with the updates to these guidelines, which will guide your SEO practices and help maintain your site’s integrity.

Reevaluate your SEO practices

Conduct a comprehensive audit of your SEO practices if you receive a manual action. This will help you identify the areas where you might have gone against Google’s guidelines and fix them.

Request a review

Once you’ve fixed the problems that caused the manual action, you can request a review through Google Search Console. This gives Google a heads-up to reconsider the manual action and restore your site’s ranking if it approves of the changes made.


Manual actions are an imperative facet of Google’s commitment to maintaining the integrity and relevance of its search results. They serve to highlight violations of Google’s webmaster guidelines, prompting webmasters to rectify their SEO practices.

From understanding the diverse types of manual actions to acknowledging their significance in shaping more robust and compliant SEO strategies, manual action is undeniably influential in the realm of SEO. The detrimental impact they can have on a site’s online visibility serves as a deterrent to unfair practices, encouraging a more authentic approach to SEO.

Adhering to Google’s guidelines, regular audits of SEO practices, and requesting review post-rectification are handy tips to effectively tackle these manual actions. Remember, while a manual action may seem punishing, it also provides an opportunity to improve and reshape your SEO strategies better.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google search console manual action?

A Google Search Console manual action is a penalty applied to a site for violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. The specific issues are flagged in the search console account of the site and can range from cloaking, sneaky redirects, thin content to unnatural links.

How to fix manual actions issued by Google?

To fix a manual action issued by Google, you first need to understand why the action was taken. This detailed reason can be found in your Google Search Console. Once you understand the violation, you should rectify the issues, and then submit a reconsideration request through the Google Search Console.

How to avoid manual actions?

To avoid manual actions, you should stay in line with Google’s webmaster guidelines. Regular site audits can also help identify potential issues. Avoid aggressive SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, cloaking, or manipulative link-building schemes, which often lead to such punitive actions.

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