URL Rating (UR) is a critical metric in SEO that assesses the strength and relevance of a website’s target page based on the quality of backlinks. The utility of understanding and utilizing this rating is immeasurable as it fundamentally impacts search engine ranking and resulting web traffic.

What is URL Rating (UR)?

The URL Rating (UR) is a significant metric provided by Ahrefs that assesses the strength of a webpage's backlink profile on a scale from 0 to 100. Generally, the more and higher-quality the backlinks a page has, the higher its UR will be. The rating, which uses an sophisticated proprietary algorithm that takes various factors into account, including the number and quality of backlinks, offers an authoritative overview of a page's overall 'power' fed by its backlink profile.

The UR is particularly useful as it relates specifically to the individual webpage, unlike Domain Rating (DR) which considers the whole domain. Consequently, a webpage’s UR offers more understanding of the backlink quality for that specific page. For SEO experts and digital marketers, this precision is invaluable in devising and tailoring SEO strategies and content marketing campaigns for targeted pages.

Why is URL Rating (UR) important?

Understanding the URL Rating is crucial as it provides deep insights into webpage’s SEO health. While it is not the only factor contributing to a website’s SEO success, it does offer compelling insights into how a search engine may view a page. It provides a simple, categorical representation of the quality of the backlinks. As such, a thorough understanding and application of UR can help to improve SEO performance and reach marketing and business objectives. Three factors make the URL rating a vital tool for any SEO strategy:

The URL rating can help find potential backlink possibilities by identifying high-rating URLs (preferably within the same industry). Essentially, it can help target sites with a UR higher than your own for a backlink opportunity. Links from such pages could effectively raise your URL’s rating and subsequently, its SEO visibility.

URL rating successfully identifies the quality of backlinks. By assessing the UR, you can estimate the potential impact of a link from the corresponding webpage. As a higher UR suggests more influential backlinks, it could be a game-changer in enhancing your webpage’s search engine presence.

Evaluating SEO success

A rising UR indicates successful SEO strategies. It is a sign of increasing high-quality references from other pages, thus improving your rank in search engine results. Since UR forms a significant part of Google’s algorithm, an improvement in the UR speaks volumes about the success of your SEO.

Types of URL Rating (UR)

URL Rating (UR) is a unique metric utilized by Ahrefs to measure the strength of a webpage’s backlink profile. This rating is not segmented into types or categories; it is a single scale ranging from 0 to 100. However, SEO professionals may set their own benchmarks and categories based on this range.

For instance, one ordinary approach is to categorize pages as ‘low’, ‘medium’, or ‘high’ based on their UR score. A page with a UR of 0-33 may be considered ‘low’, 34-66 as ‘medium’, and 67-100 as ‘high’. This classification may help to prioritize backlink opportunities or measure the success of your SEO strategy. Of course, this approach is fully customizable according to individual needs and targets.

Another ‘type’ within the UR revolves around the idea of ‘dofollow’ and ‘nofollow’ backlinks. In essence, a ‘dofollow’ link contributes towards the UR rating as it passes on link equity, whereas a ‘nofollow’ link does not influence the rating.

Examples of URL Rating (UR)

Influential websites

Sites like Google or Facebook, being referenced by numerous websites, will have an almost perfect URL Rating. You can check the UR of any page, including these, using Ahrefs’ comprehensive SEO toolset.

Competitor websites

Consider a competitor’s product page with a high rating. This shows the page has valuable backlinks, indicating you might want to work on your product pages to compete better in the SERPs. Analyzing UR of your competitors can help plan your SEO strategy effectively.

Personal or small-scale blogs

A blog started recently without many backlinks will have a low UR, making it challenging to appear in Google search results. The UR can provide valuable insights for such websites to create a better link-building strategy and thus increase their search engine visibility.

Handy tips about URL Rating (UR)

Regular monitoring

It’s essential to keep a close eye on your URLs’ ratings. An unexpected drop could indicate a loss of high-quality backlinks, while a jump might signal your SEO efforts are paying off.

Refer high UR sites

Attempt to get backlinks from a high UR site or a relevant page with strong backlinks. This approach directly benefits your URL’s search engine ranking.

Quality over quantity

A few high-quality backlinks can be more beneficial than numerous low-quality ones. Strive for links from trusted sites over spammy links from obscure sources.


In the intricate and ever-changing field of SEO, metrics like URL Rating (UR) provide valuable reference points. Understanding and using the power of UR allows you to make informed strategic decisions about everything from link-building to content creation.

The URL Rating (UR) allows for better understanding of a webpage’s strength, offers straightforward identification of link-building opportunities, verifies the quality of backlinks, and provides an essential metric for success evaluation. Although UR is not the only determinant of SEO success, comprehending its significance and employing the insights it offers will undoubtedly improve SEO strategy and achievements.

Finally, SEO professionals should monitor their webpages’ URL Ratings (UR) regularly. Tracking the rating helps identify gaps in SEO efforts and evaluate the success of link-building strategies. It’s also crucial to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to backlinks – a high UR strengthens SEO, drives organic traffic, and supports your webpage to reach its full potential.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my URL Rating (UR)?

To increase your UR, aim to get more high-quality backlinks for your page. This involves creating valuable and relevant content, reaching out to influencers in your niche, and running regular SEO audits to identify weaknesses in your backlinking strategy.

Does URL Rating (UR) affect my webpage’s ranking in SERPs?

Yes. A webpage’s URL Rating (UR) is one of many factors that search engines consider when ranking results. High UR typically signals high-quality backlinks, which are a positive ranking signal for search engines.

What is the difference between URL Rating (UR) and Domain Rating (DR)?

While both are important SEO metrics, they analyze different aspects. UR refers to the strength of a webpage’s backlink profile, whereas DR gauges the overall strength of the entire domain’s backlink profile.

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